In the face of a national emergency, China’s Communist Party is grappling with a demographic crisis as the country’s population continues to decline for the second consecutive year. Despite the government’s attempts to encourage more births through incentives and patriotic appeals, Chinese women are increasingly resisting marriage and childbirth, exacerbating concerns over the aging population and its impact on the economy.

According to official data released on Wednesday, China reported 9.02 million births in 2023, down from 9.56 million in 2022. This marks the seventh consecutive year of declining birth rates, contributing to an overall population reduction of two million people, bringing the total population to 1,409,670,000 by the end of 2023, as per the National Bureau of Statistics.

The shrinking and aging population poses a significant challenge to Beijing, as it diminishes the pool of working-age individuals crucial for sustaining economic growth. The rapid arrival of this demographic crisis, exacerbated by the decades-long one-child policy, is already straining healthcare and pension systems, prompting the government to take urgent measures.

China’s President, Xi Jinping, has urged a return to more traditional gender roles, emphasizing the importance of marriage and childbearing. However, these efforts have not effectively addressed the root cause of women’s reluctance to have children – deep-seated gender inequality. Laws designed to protect women’s rights and ensure equality have fallen short, leaving women feeling insecure about starting families.

While propaganda campaigns and state-sponsored dating events encourage marriage and childbirth, the rise of China’s feminist movement has empowered women to resist societal pressures. Despite attempts to silence discussions around women’s issues, online communities have provided a platform for women to share experiences and support one another.

The Chinese government’s attempts to address the declining birth rates have been met with skepticism. Many women argue that the focus should not solely be on encouraging childbirth but also on protecting the rights and interests of women. The prevailing gender inequality, workplace discrimination, and difficulties in seeking justice for such issues contribute to the resistance among women.

Experts highlight the need for comprehensive policies that address gender inequality and provide women with a sense of security and protection. Without fundamental changes in societal attitudes and legal frameworks, China’s population decline is likely to persist, posing long-term challenges for the nation’s economic and social stability.

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